
a ministry for our church

There are times when we need to talk things through with someone. Often this might be a person close to us such as a spouse or a good friend. But sometimes we need to talk to someone who is a few steps removed from our immediate social circle.

That is when talking to an Alongsider might be right for you. You don’t need counselling or some form of intensive therapy – but, you may need to off-load, or discuss plans or resolve an issue, and to so do so with someone who is able to offer an informal, caring, supportive and prayerful ‘listening ear’.

An Alongsider is someone who feels God has called them to meet this need in our church and several people have offered themselves for this ministry. They are willing to talk to you about any matter – be it about work, a family issue, discerning and using your gifting, a spiritual question, an important decision… in fact, about anything that, through talking, enables you to move on and flourish.

If you would like to make use of this ministry and talk to an Alongsider then please contact in the first instance Gerald March ( or Liz Johnson at ( They will then put you in touch with an Alongsider.

Confidentiality and other Safeguards

Meeting with an Alongsider is not a replacement for a professional therapist or counsellor, but a forum to express your thoughts in a safe and informal environment. However, if it becomes clear that a more professional approach may be beneficial, then the Alongsider may suggest an alternative form of help.

Should you decide to use the help of an Alongsider, the conversation will be totally confidential. However, if, during the conversation, you disclose information that may indicate any risk of harm to yourself or others then your Alongsider may have no option but to refer these matters to another appropriate agency or authority.

Cogges People

Gerald March


Gerald is a retired vicar and is married to Barbara. When not doing church activities, he and Barbara love to walk, spend time with their family and grandchildren or, occasionally, go to concerts or the theatre.


Gerald is involved with...

  • Alongsiders
  • March Connect Group
Gerald March

Liz Johnson


Liz moved to Witney last year after retiring from ministry in a group of Oxfordshire villages. She is enjoying getting to know the Cogges church family as well as having more time to look after her three grandchildren.


Liz is involved with...

  • Alongsiders
  • Pastoral Hub
Liz Johnson