The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held
at 7:30pm on Thursday, 23rd February 2017
in St Mary’s Church, Cogges.
Minutes of the 2016 APCM
(enclosed )
A report on the revision of the electoral roll
(enclosed )
The annual report and financial statements of the PCC for 2016
(enclosed )
The Churchwardens’ report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of St Mary’s Church, Cogges
(enclosed )
A report on the proceedings of the Deanery Synod
(enclosed )
An election of five members of the laity to the Deanery Synod (for 3 years) and six members of the laity to the PCC (for up to 3 years)
(nomination form enclosed )
The appointment of sidesmen (delegated to the Churchwardens by resolution of the 1999 APCM)
The appointment of an independent financial examiner for 2017 (the PCC has nominated A J Carter & Co)
Questions or comments on matters of Parochial interest
Any other business
Commissioning of the new PCC
a. Children and Youth
b. Discipleship and Connect Groups
c. Mission
The Vicar, Rev Simon Kirby
This year at our vision night we will look back in gratitude for some of the things that God has achieved in and through us this last year and look forward in anticipation and expectation as we consider some of the plans for 2017.