The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held
at 7:30pm on Tuesday, 20th February 2018
in St Mary’s Church, Cogges.
Minutes of the 2017 APCM
(enclosed )
A report on the revision of the electoral roll
(enclosed )
The annual report and financial statements of the PCC for 2017
(enclosed )
The Churchwardens’ report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of St Mary’s Church, Cogges
(enclosed )
A report on the proceedings of the Deanery Synod
(enclosed )
Resolutions proposed by the PCC
Proposal to reduce the number of elected PCC members
As (announced )
the PCC has agreed to changes to the governance structure to reduce the size of the PCC and to introduce PCC subgroups and a new leadership team. To reduce the size of the PCC requires a resolution at the APCM. The PCC therefore proposes that with effect from the APCM in 2019, the number of representatives of the laity should be reduced from 15 to 12, with one third being elected each year.
Proposal to rescind resolution on co-option of Readers passed at the APCM in 1999
Membership of the PCC includes “such, if any, of the readers who are licensed to the parish … as the annual meeting may determine”. After many years of each APCM resolving to co-opt all the readers, the APCM in 1999 resolved “that Readers licensed to the parish of Cogges should be co-opted as members of the PCC, until this proposal is rescinded by a future Annual Parochial Church Meeting”. With the new governance changes, the PCC proposes that this resolution should be rescinded with immediate effect.
An election of seven members of the laity to the PCC (for up to 3 years)
(further information and nomination form enclosed )
The appointment of sidesmen (delegated to the Churchwardens by resolution of the 1999 APCM)
The appointment of an independent financial examiner for 2018 (the PCC has nominated A J Carter & Co)
Questions or comments on matters of Parochial interest
Any other business
Commissioning of the new PCC
a. Youth – Ben Osman
b. Children – Children’s team
c. Home School Link and TLG coaches – Judith Ledden
d. Mission Thinking – Rev Rich White
The Vicar, Rev Simon Kirby
This year at our vision night we will look back in gratitude for some of the things that God has achieved in and through us this last year and look forward in anticipation and expectation as we consider some of the plans for 2018.
Additional reports, for information: